Wednesday 31 October 2007

Thelotter testimonials

The lotter is a great site! I am not stuck with my state lottery anymore, but can play lotteries from everywhere. Alec Vandenberg - Palm Springs, Florida
The State of Michigan is threatening a government shutdown, which means no more lottery until the budget is settled. While the political hacks argue about tax revenue, I can still play the lottery thanks to David James - Ann Arbor, MI
I tried this site on a lark and quickly found myself with the unusual problem of trying to figure out the conversion rate of euros to dollars. I never would have had access to a European lottery without the lotter. Bill Logan – Kankakee, IL
Living in a state where I can only play my local lottery is like living in a city where there is only one casino. Until I discovered the lotter I didn’t have any opportunity to try my luck elsewhere without traveling out of state. Dale Cherry – Sarasota, Florida
I love the Mega Millions lottery even though I am statistically more likely to be elected Pope. Using the lotter’s service I can not only play my fav lotto without having to leave my home, but participate in other lotteries across the globe. Alan Page – New York, NY
Whenever the web and money is involved I get nervous. When playing a lottery though, I could gamble only a few bucks and see how it turned out. I was pleasantly surprised when the lotters pay out process turned out to be timely and professional. Lisa Malvo – San Diego, CA
For a complete lotto junkie this site is the bomb. Trying my numbers across the globe has made me extra cash. I would love to hit a home run, but enough bunts and base hits when matching a few numbers still adds up. Anonymous
There are states with laws about out of staters winning their lottos. They don’t allow it. To play some lottos you actually have to know somebody in the state. The lotter gets around that problem and lets us play almost any lottery. Allyson Fowler – Springfield, MS
Variety is the spice of life and luck doesn’t always live in your hometown. The lotter gives me access to the lotteries in the states as well as the rest of the world. Brad Weir – Parma, OH
It is true that you can’t win if you don’t play. Of course if you don’t have time to pick up the ticket, you can’t play, so winning becomes a moot point. The lotter is a very convenient service that I use to play Mega Millions. It saves me time and hopefully someday will make me rich. Jamie Flanagan – Anaheim, CA
The bigger jackpots get in a lottery the longer the lines are to buy tickets. The lotter not only lets me play other lotteries, but I don’t have to wait in line to buy tickets for my local event. Krystal Carl – Sparks, NV
The lotter is the best place in cyberspace for lottery one-stop-shopping. I love having dozens of lottery choices at my fingertips. Renee Barrett – Brockton, MA
Playing is one thing, winning is another. I thought I would have to struggle to get to get the prize money after picking the winning numbers, but the lotter paid off quickly and was very customer friendly. Ray Pruitt – Waco, TX
It was the best day of my life when I got an email from the lotter saying my numbers had won! They were right on top of things and paid out really fast. Thanks guys! Chris Smith – Lawton, OK
I’m about as internet savvy as my golden retriever, but the lotter was really easy to use. Unlike a lot of other places on the net, I didn’t feel like I needed a degree in computer science to play on their site. Vanessa Tocco – Peoria, AZ
I never had any luck playing my local cheesehead lottery, so I used the lotter to play the Colorado lotto. Maybe the mountains are luckier then the cow pastures. I didn’t win the big prize, but I matched enough numbers to claim a nice chunk of the pot. Without the lotter I never would have even known about the Colorado lottery. Scott Myers - Eau Claire, WI
Why bother with long lines at the 7-11 to get in on my local game when the lotter helped me win a lottery an ocean away while never moving from my Lay-Z-Boy? Thanks guys!!! Jeff Grabow – Everett, WA
What can I say; I played, I won, I retired. I never could have done this without access to the lotteries that the lotter gave me. Chad Henson
I can’t around very well, so playing the lottery online is pretty much my only option. The lotter not only gives me access to lots of games, but I feel safe playing here. I know they are absolutely secure and that my identity is safe. Tena Tinsdale – Parma, OH
This is such a cool site! It is user friendly enough where anybody that knows which end of a mouse is up can figure it out. I can save my numbers, use the map to pick a country, and play games in nations I have never been to. I love the lotter! Hank Beckett – West Valley, UT


The – playing for free
The person who first spoke the words, "you can’t get something for nothing", either called a lot of 1-900 numbers or is a former Amway distributor. There is very little in life that is completely free. Whenever this statement of fact is made there is always some smart- aleck who points out that the air we breathe is free, or that watching television doesn’t cost us anything. These are considered good points only by the sort of person who is easily distracted by shiny objects.
Air is not free. Oxygen is a corrosive element and every breathe we take degrades our body and contributes heavily to the aging process. Television, though it seems like it is free has its own cost. We won’t discuss the brain cells that were lost by millions of people who decided to watch the defunct, Gina Davis vehicle, "Commander and Chief", but when most people can see life’s finish line, I am positive we would love to get back the time we wasted watching "Knight Rider" or "The A Team".
Lotteries are one of the things in life that are pitched at the general population as something that is almost free. In most cases it takes only a dollar to play. Of course most people buy 5 to 20 tickets, so it does take its fiscal toll. The has taken another approach to this; they have introduced a lottery that is completely free. If you are a carbon based life form that is intellectually capable of turning a computer on, than you qualify for this free lottery.
For those who are interested in participating in a lottery that will cost them nothing in terms of cash, almost nothing in time, yet present the opportunity to win some rather large amounts of money, "TheFree" game that is offered by is what you have been waiting for.
TheFree is their exclusive Free lottery that lets folks participate in a lottery without having to pay for the privilege. The fact that somebody doesn’t have to invest their walking around money to play this lottery is not the only place where it differs from traditional lottery style games. TheFree is set up so that luck is not the only factor that will determine who walks away with the $100,000 prize.
TheFree was created to be a contest best played by groups. Though individuals are welcome to play and have a chance to win; the chances of coming away one hundred grand richer are greatly enhanced when a group of people participate as a unified block of contestants. For a full description of the game and its rules go to theFree Rules section.
This is one of the few things in life that has a potential for absolutely massive returns, with the investment of nothing more than a comparatively small amount of time. From a monetary standpoint, this contest is completely free. Finally something that is actually free without a nasty devil hiding in the details ready to bite you someplace sensitive.


The – Free lotteries: legit or a scam?
One night at the dawn of creation, a guy named Adam fell into a deep sleep. The next morning he awoke missing one rib, but suddenly he had a spouse. Ancient text does not chronicle whether or not Adam lamented the missing bone, or felt ill-used about having his mate made from a piece of his ribcage. Considering the fact he and his new wife went on to populate the planet, one would suspect that he enjoyed the charms of a female in ways a piece of ribcage could never compete with. There is no record of what piece of Adam’s anatomy was removed to create the mother-in-law, but one would suspect that it was a bit farther south of rib area.
The creation of eve is a perfect example of the fact that you have to give something up in order to get something of value in return. Were the expenditure of his rib part of an organized lottery, Adam would have been gambling a body part in order to win the pre-histories version of Victoria Silvstedt. A lot of people get information in their emails about lotteries that they not only allow them to keep their ribs, but make the claim that no money is needed as well. Despite the fact that these particular lotteries are not asking for anything, the end result often feels like a swift kick to the nether regions.
When somebody gets an email about a free lottery, more often than not it implies the person has already qualified for this lottery and won the Grand Prize. This should immediately send up a warning flag. There are very few people who are actively looking for strangers to give away money to. Accepting an unsolicited offer of money is usually a good way to wind up on one of the those police investigation shows that are so popular on the Discovery Channel.
Those who are actually curious about the money they won from a lottery they never entered or heard of will genreally be told that their winnings can only be wired to a bank account. So to claim the prize, a person will need to give the "lottery officials" their bank account number and bank routing number. At this point the folks running the "lottery" have a good laugh, empty your account, and buy themselves nice things.
In most cases when somebody offers a free lottery, its time to grip your wallet a little tighter. The one case where a free lottery is completely legitimate is the, and their "theFree" offering.
The lotter offers as a benefit to their members, the chance to win $100,000 without having to commit any funds to the effort. The lotter, is safe, secure, and has been succefully running this contest for a number of years. They also do not ambush strangers and promise them money. TheFree is something the members of the site must sign up for. So if you want a legitimately free lottery, feel free to participate in "theFree", if filling out police reports is the sort of thing you enjoy, answer one of those unsolicitaed emails that claim you have won millions.


Powerball is considered the leading lottery game in the United States, currently played in 31 States, and operated by the Multi-State Lottery Association (MUSL).
Powerball is a lotto game that combines a large jackpot and a regular cash game, and is held every Wednesday and Saturday night at 10:59 p.m. Eastern Time. The prizes include the jackpot, and include additional winners ranging from 3 Dollars to 200,000 Dollars (second place). Jackpots have reached over 200 Million Dollars in the past.


The MegaMillions is one of the biggest lottery drawings in the United States, with a huge multi-state audience. MegaMillions has a jackpot that starts at 12 Million Dollars, with additional prizes reaching up to 250,000 Dollars. The lottery can be played from 12 states at this stage, including: , Georgia, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Texas, Virginia and Washington. Mega Millions drawings are held Tuesday and Friday nights at 11:00 p.m. eastern time by the Georgia Lottery in Atlanta.


Lotto – a Game That Makes Dreams Come True
Despite tough competition from online poker rooms, casinos and other forms of gambling, Lotto remains a very popular game all over the world. Lotteries like the Euromillions, UK Lotto, and Swisslotto attract millions of players every week. The strong appeal lotto games still have on gamblers of all ages and backgrounds is easy to understand. Lotto is a simple game to play, and the prizes are often enormous. The possibility to win millions of dollars, pounds or euros just by picking a few numbers on a Lotto ticket is understandably very hard to resist.Lotto certainly is a game that changes people’s lives and makes dreams come true. Every now and then we can read about some lucky man or woman who has won one of these huge jackpots. Some of us might react with envy or get repulsed by the almost unimaginable amounts of money involved. Others become even more determined to win the Lotto when they hear the success stories. Even though lotteries of this kind are not skill based like Texas Hold’em and many other games, there are lots of tips on how to become a lotto winner available, in books as well as on the Internet. Some of the systems are based on betting strategies, others on mathematical probabilities. There are strategies for all types of Lotto games; Lotto-6games, Pick 4 lotteries, and so on.However, you should always keep in mind that when it comes down to it, these games are totally random and that there is nothing you can do to actually influence the outcome of a draw. Instead of using a complex and perhaps expensive Lotto system, you might just as well win by betting on your birthday, shoe size, and some other numbers you have a relationship to. The most important thing when you play Lotto is to have fun. Keep the faith.
Choosing numbers that might make one rich became easier when the internet came along. No longer was a person confined to their state lotto, sites like the give people access to lotteries across the globe. People now have the opportunities to become millionaires in currencies that range from the Euro, to the American dollar, to the Israeli sheqel. Just remember the old marketing slogan “You can’t win if you don’t play.”


EuroMillions is a lottery game played weekly on Friday by millions of players from across Europe. The game has participants from nine countries, including Austria, Belgium, France, Ireland, Luxembourg, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, and the UK. The prize pool is put together from stakes generated from each of the nine countries, and the main jackpot prize starts at 15 Million Euros. If the jackpot is not won during a specific week, the prize pool is 'carried over' to the following week. The record for a single winner is 115 Million Euros, and the highest jackpot ever was 183 Million Euros. These huge jackpots have turned the EuroMillions Lottery into one of the most lucrative and exciting lotteries in the world.

California Super Lotto

California Super Lotto
The California Super Lotto is one of the most popular lottery draws in the United States, with jackpots starting at 7 Million Dollars, and having reached 193 Million Dollars in the past. The draw is held twice a week on Wednesday and Saturday, and the jackpot, if not claimed, is carried over to next week, allowing it to grow to huge numbers.


Lottery –
It begins with a series of numbers. In many cases it is somebody’s anniversary, birthday, the date of their child’s birth, or the time they first discovered that snuggling with the opposite sex was more fun than watching Star Wars or Oprah. In any event, whatever the numbers are, they are, once they have been chosen fate takes over. If by the end of the drawing your choices match the numbers that have been drawn, your life becomes the sort of rags (or if your in the middle class…Gap Jeans) to riches story that would make a wonderful made for TV movie on the Lifetime Network.
Lotteries are perhaps the fairest of all forms of gambling. Your odds of winning do not change regardless of how many people play, and to get into the game is cheap and easy. Websites like and give players access to lotteries from across the world. The more lotteries that are available the more chances players have to get lucky. All it takes is one moment of luck to change a life forever.


Lottery – Is lotto to random?
To a lot of people lotto winners and those who find themselves face to face with Bigfoot have a few things in common. First of all both are completely random events. The formula for finding Sasquatch is not unlike the way one wins a lottery. First, stake out an arbitrary piece of ground (in lotto terms your "ground" will be the numbers you pick instead of some out of the way section of the Pacific Northwest). Once you have chosen your territory, wait for the monster to lumber across your path and hope he doesn’t eat you.
Many people consider this is a bit to unpredictable and instead of investing their pocket change in potentially massive lottery winnings, they do something more valuable with it…like buy a Slurpee from 7-11. Everyday, though, somebody stumbles across Bigfoot, so to speak. New lotto millionaires are created on a daily basis. For example, Loretta Brown of Detroit, MI bought her ticket as an afterthought. The next day Bigfoot walked right up to her and yelled "Boo". Thanks to her random numbers she now has the problem of what to do with an extra 75 million dollars.
Loretta is not alone, she is just one of a community of people who become rich everyday thanks to the lottery. Today, one doesn’t even need to travel to the corner store to purchase their lottery tickets. Websites like and its affiliate give people access to lotteries all over the world right from their home computer.
Those who think they have no chance need look no further than their local papers to see that winning is not only possible, but a daily occurrence. Of course, folks who think they cannot win are welcome to invest their spare change in a candy bar or snack cake. This will probably result in Bigfoot simply passing them by.


lOTTERY – The Lottery
There was once a short story written by an author named Shirley Jackson called the lottery. In most of our lives lotteries are wonderful things that can make us filthy rich with the investment of a couple of dollars and some luck. Even when we don’t win there is the fun of imagining what to do if fortune smiles on us and suddenly we find ourselves in a situation where investment bankers are sending us muffin baskets and kissing our pinky rings. In the world of Ms. Jackson, lotteries are a far less enjoyable experience that can result in a large number of heavy rocks being chucked at the person who has the winning ticket. I don’t know exactly where Shirley was buying her lottery tickets, but a more reasonable person would do their shopping elsewhere.
Outside of the little lottery hiccup that occurs in the macabre world that Shirley Jackson calls home, lotteries have been around as long as human beings have had the desire to buy stuff they couldn’t afford without a little help. In Europe, lotteries can be traced back to the days of Caesar and Rome; a time when a good knife and a few friends was an acceptable way to deal with a government divided along partisan lines. In fact the most recognizable ancient monument that stands as a testament to the power of the lottery is the Great Wall of China. Much of this wonder of the ancient world was funded by lottery money.
Today the lottery is as integrated with our lives as the internet or chocolate. Although in this modern, fast paced world where we simply don’t have time to mess around, we have chopped a full syllable off of the word, and just refer to it as lotto. Despite this questionable phonetic practice, lotto is part of the daily life in a large chunk of the world.
Choosing numbers that might make one rich became easier when the internet came along. No longer was a person confined to their state lotto, sites like the give people access to lotteries across the globe. People now have the opportunities to become millionaires in currencies that range from the Euro, to the American dollar, to the Israeli sheqel. Just remember the old marketing slogan "You cant win if you don’t play."


This Year the UK National Lottery Will Pay Out £1.7 Billion in Hard, Tax-Free Cash. Enter Now for a Chance to Win Your Share of this Huge Prize Money - From a Multi-Million Dollar Jackpot to Thousands of Smaller Cash Prizes.You don't have to travel to the United Kingdom to play and win in the U.K NATIONAL LOTTERY. You can play right from the convenience of your own home or office.The rewards of playing can be big! Over £1.7 Billion (that's US$2.41 Billion) will be given away this year in prize money. Every week, the JACKPOT PRIZE averages US$16.7 Million paid to one or more individuals who have selected six correct numbers out of 49 in the 2 weekly draws. And there are 1.14 million winners of smaller cash prizes every week. More people are winning bigger prizes in the U.K NATIONAL LOTTERY than any other Government Lottery in the world and you don't have to be a resident of the U.K to play!