Wednesday 31 October 2007


Lottery –
It begins with a series of numbers. In many cases it is somebody’s anniversary, birthday, the date of their child’s birth, or the time they first discovered that snuggling with the opposite sex was more fun than watching Star Wars or Oprah. In any event, whatever the numbers are, they are, once they have been chosen fate takes over. If by the end of the drawing your choices match the numbers that have been drawn, your life becomes the sort of rags (or if your in the middle class…Gap Jeans) to riches story that would make a wonderful made for TV movie on the Lifetime Network.
Lotteries are perhaps the fairest of all forms of gambling. Your odds of winning do not change regardless of how many people play, and to get into the game is cheap and easy. Websites like and give players access to lotteries from across the world. The more lotteries that are available the more chances players have to get lucky. All it takes is one moment of luck to change a life forever.

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