Wednesday 31 October 2007


The – playing for free
The person who first spoke the words, "you can’t get something for nothing", either called a lot of 1-900 numbers or is a former Amway distributor. There is very little in life that is completely free. Whenever this statement of fact is made there is always some smart- aleck who points out that the air we breathe is free, or that watching television doesn’t cost us anything. These are considered good points only by the sort of person who is easily distracted by shiny objects.
Air is not free. Oxygen is a corrosive element and every breathe we take degrades our body and contributes heavily to the aging process. Television, though it seems like it is free has its own cost. We won’t discuss the brain cells that were lost by millions of people who decided to watch the defunct, Gina Davis vehicle, "Commander and Chief", but when most people can see life’s finish line, I am positive we would love to get back the time we wasted watching "Knight Rider" or "The A Team".
Lotteries are one of the things in life that are pitched at the general population as something that is almost free. In most cases it takes only a dollar to play. Of course most people buy 5 to 20 tickets, so it does take its fiscal toll. The has taken another approach to this; they have introduced a lottery that is completely free. If you are a carbon based life form that is intellectually capable of turning a computer on, than you qualify for this free lottery.
For those who are interested in participating in a lottery that will cost them nothing in terms of cash, almost nothing in time, yet present the opportunity to win some rather large amounts of money, "TheFree" game that is offered by is what you have been waiting for.
TheFree is their exclusive Free lottery that lets folks participate in a lottery without having to pay for the privilege. The fact that somebody doesn’t have to invest their walking around money to play this lottery is not the only place where it differs from traditional lottery style games. TheFree is set up so that luck is not the only factor that will determine who walks away with the $100,000 prize.
TheFree was created to be a contest best played by groups. Though individuals are welcome to play and have a chance to win; the chances of coming away one hundred grand richer are greatly enhanced when a group of people participate as a unified block of contestants. For a full description of the game and its rules go to theFree Rules section.
This is one of the few things in life that has a potential for absolutely massive returns, with the investment of nothing more than a comparatively small amount of time. From a monetary standpoint, this contest is completely free. Finally something that is actually free without a nasty devil hiding in the details ready to bite you someplace sensitive.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is the site legit?
I heard otherwise..

I don´t get where they would take the 100k from, offcource they get some more members that maby buy "real" tickets too but still this would be a kinda expensive commrsial trick.

Buy the way if this really is true feel free to join my group freeforall (the pasword is the same as the group name) thought I rather share 100k with complete srangers than family & friends who don´t belive in this kinda hogus-bogus

There are strengts in numbers.. this is the whole point of lottery syndicates, eeeh?